The client is a healthcare sector of a multinational corporation ranked in the top ten globally, with business interests spanning diverse segments. The client sought to establish a Project Management Office (PMO) to ensure a consistent project review and management process. Working closely with Anahata's team, the client successfully implemented a digitized PMO. This global office leverages data-driven processes, primarily focusing on project management, regulatory compliance, and training.


- Lack of control over IT projects in various technologies across the organization
- Absence of a reporting structure for tracking project progress
- No portfolio dashboard or reporting is available for the CIO
- Different technology groups are using multiple project management tools
- Challenges included the establishment of a governance framework across a dispersed organization and vendors
- IT stakeholders' buy-in is required to shift from a people-based approach to a process-based approach
Anahata’s Approach
- An effective PMO was planned to provide review and control mechanisms for ongoing IT projects
- The following steps were included in the approach
- Implement a process for project reviews at each milestone
- Define reporting mechanisms based on CIO requirements
- Develop a communication plan to roll out the PMO across the organization
- Ensure regulatory compliance through a unified project review process
- Anahata's team was involved in establishing and running the PMO and played a significant role in digitizing PMO processes

Achieved uniformity across technology projects regarding project documentation and milestone review process through PMO implementation
Provided a project execution scorecard for tracking projects every week
Enabled better control and management of ongoing IT projects within the organization